Authors and illustrators presenting at the Plum Creek Festival enjoyed a slice of Nebraska at a steak fry hosted by Seward Rotary Club and Seward Kiwanis Club in October.
A special evening steak fry was hosted by the Seward Rotary Club and the Seward Kiwanis Club for the 22 authors and illustrators at Concordia University’s 2023 Plum Creek Literacy Festival on Friday, October 6, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Izaak Walton League Cabin south of Seward. The rustic event brought together the presenters involved with the festival, allowing them time to visit, get to know each other, and feast on a homegrown Nebraska steak dinner.
The authors meals were sponsored by the two Seward service clubs, with many Rotarians and Kiwanians serving as evening hosts and cooks. The meal featured a Nebraska steak, baked potato with butter and sour cream, salad with Dorothy Lynch dressing, homemade dinner rolls and a slice of cake celebrating the festival and honoring the authors and illustrators for their work at the festival.
Rev. Jo Ellen Axthelm, a Kiwanian, offered an opening prayer. Following the dinner, Shannon Meyer of Kiwanis welcome attendees and commented on the high value placed on literacy in Seward. She noted that Seward Kiwanis had built and installed six Little Libraries across the community this year.
Clark Kolterman presented a welcome from the Rotary Club and noted the literacy efforts of Rotary in over 160 countries worldwide. Rotarian and Seward County Commissioner Ken Schmieding welcomed the authors and illustrators to Seward County and thanked Dylan Teut for his work organizing the festival. Teut, who is the director of the festival at Concordia, asked each presenter to introduce themselves and share comments and reflections on their festival experience.
Special appreciation was extended to Jenni Holle, the Festival Author Host, and to Teut for their dedication and work to make the festival succeed. The evening concluded with well wishes to the authors as all scurried off to watch the Cornhuskers take on Illinois on television.